Sunday, January 2, 2011

If she lived in Gotham City, Batman would be toast...

Merry Meet,

I am breaking into the New Year and thought I would be by to see how you are doing…it has been a wonderful holiday...the fireworks were amazing…so man friends and family…alas it is time to go back to work and I wanted a chance to chat with you before the tornado hits…

Massage, just for the health of it…they seem like such simple words…in the last year as a business owner (7 yrs) with healing hands, I have learned a lot…in this bad economy, people still need help…it is important to do what you can, when you can, but never to the point it puts you or your business in danger…knowledge is important…in medicine, things change everyday… just as important to learn is to share what you have learned…I am blessed with wonderful clients and take pride in each and every one…I will continue to respect their being and work with them to keep and maintain good health…I will also be there to help them through the bad…this will be a great New Year…on Friday 1/21/11, I will be doing Paraffin Massage…book soon as these appointments go quick for this…during my vacation I have been taking a class in wood therapy and will soon be offering it…this is great not only for weight loss, but also for muscle toning and strengthening…I have had it done by therapist Raquel Bray and she was my inspiration…I loved it and could really notice a difference…It is done in a lot of high end spas in South America…I will keep you posted about availability…

Education is important…I am still in school and working hard on my degree…I feel very thankful for such an awesome school (Everglades Univ.) and teachers…the students I attend with are wonderful…being so blessed really enhances the learning experience…I really feel I am getting more than just the education I am paying for…

American Boudica Publishing has now been up and running for 3 years…we have 2 books on the market and have released 2 power points…it has not been easy, but again I am blessed…our creative partnership is a truly beautiful thing…in this we hit the ground running as neither of us had been an author to start with…this to has required continual education…I was ever so excited to see the second book on the market…the feeling is almost as spiritual as giving birth…our spouses have been very supportive and it was not always a walk in the park for them, but their constant love got us to where we are…

In the garden over the last year, we have seen many changes…the cold snaps that are unusual for our area created some beautiful colors and caused a lot of dead loss…composting (even in winter) has been totally worth the time and effort…trimming in spring rather than fall seems to work better for the plants, but look worse for the yard…it also creates rich compost for the last week of summer…

The animals have had a good year…the arrival of the puppy was an unexpected blessing…the sad part was loosing a glider had me very upset…let me remind you all…animals take a lot of time and energy…if you do not have it…DO NOT GET ONE…they should have a home forever…not just for while it is convenient…pets are great…they give love…they also have a lot to teach us about life…

My family has had a good year…we are all still above ground and moving around…many have been the ups and downs and we have made it through it all…many of my children have returned to me…it is here where I have been really blessed…I am happy to be a grandma…I am so proud of how hard all my children are working…life is quite cool…

The Circle of Boudica has had a good starting year…it was a bit of a surprise and a big responsibility, but one I am glad I took on…it has been a long, hard year and many have needed our help…we have a congregation of 48 people in 8 countries…Chris has been a great Bard…it has warmed my heart to see how helpful they are for each other…my spirit has soared…

I am glad to hear you are ready for a great New Year…I wish for you to feel as blessed as I do…I promise to add more herbal remedies to the next blog for you;)

Blessed Be,


1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year, I can feel the Spring already, and its good.
