Saturday, April 23, 2011

Into The Mystic

It has been a week of excitement and fun…glad you came to see me…you look great…yes, other than a worthless government, life is doing good at the moment…let me fill you in-

Massage has been shut down this week…I have worked on a few friends, but really was just too busy…I cleaned the room from top to bottom…I expect to be busy this summer and wanted to make it ready

This was my final week in the Antioxidant class…I got an A…I took in a lot of information and was able to process it with what I had already learned…if I have not said it yet…THE BODY IS AN AMAZING PLACE

It is now day 16 without tobacco…I can not believe I have made it this far…I am thankful for the help of the Chantix…honestly, it has made it much easier than any other time I have tried to quit…the pool and the guitar have both been quite useful…one is an escape and the other keeps my hands busy…I have also put into practice a lot of deep breathing

While on Chantix, I have had a hard time focusing…so Boudica has been on a short hiatus…Chris and Rose have been quite supportive…they are about to get a new grandchild and we are quite excited…we have been talking about story ideas…Chris has released some of his paintings for purchase…I am so proud of him…

Walter has been helping me get the house and yard ready for Beltane…the weeding, composting, rebuilding the long hall and reflooring the kitchen and outroom…we will also be painting the outside of the house this summer too…I plan on doing a mosaic solar system…with Pluto being the last planet…I understand the controversy…too bad haters…it will always be part of my solar system…we have started ripping everything up…I have this really cool idea of how I am going to do the walls and ceiling…soon enough a new president will be in office and jobs will be created and I won’t have the time…might as well get it done now…

In the garden this winter I had no dead loss…I will be up potting my young trees…I planted a Bird of Paradise on Shinara…I found a beautiful bush for the front that has these beautiful flowers that are deep purple one day, violet the next, lilac the third and white the fourth…I think I will plant it up front by the door…Cosmo’s Rose is just a ball of Pink…Mellissa and her husband have helping me with it all since Cooper is in MA at the moment…Mom has been spotted with scissors giving the porch plants a hair cut…no joke…the porch plants are red and hairy…lol…get you mind out of the gutter…we have planted a bunch of flowers today…the weather has been great

The dogs are doing well…Chole grows constantly and he is still such a little baby…working with him and Quintus daily at times drives me nuts…when training any dog…being consistent and stubborn is the key…I have never found a need to beat a dog…I treat my dogs like my children…think about it, our kids never did everything we wanted, when we wanted…so your dog will not either…when they are shown what is acceptable, they will often choose that…trouble often happens when they are left unattended and/or neglected…with 4 dogs it takes 4 people (me, Walt, Coop and Dale) to have them as in the house dogs…cleaning is a daily event…this not only holds down any smell, but also keeps them healthy

In antioxidant class I learned about Lipoic Acid…it repairs cells, prevents disease, boosts the immune system and boosts all other antioxidants…I started taking 100mg every morning 2 weeks ago and have noticed a big difference…if I was still using tobacco, I would also take 100mg at night too…I am not anyone’s doctor and can only tell you what I do for me

Have you made a medication list??? This is a good thing to keep and keep updated…this way if something happened…the medical professionals would know what to or not to use…one for the kids is a great thing…doctors, school, sports, etc…just burn a copy when requested

Sun Burn

-Drink plenty of water and juice

- Aloe first 48 hours and then lotion (I use Banana Boat Aloe Gel)

-Icepacks can help take the heat out

-See doctor for blisters

Deep breathing is something we always mean to do, but never really make the time…while I have been going through this quitting thing…I have been going to the pool…I have used the first part of my time and devoted it to deep breathing…it does bring on a certain peace and a sense of humor…sounds easy…was not at first…my mind likes to wander…just refocus and start again…by giving the breathing, you give it importance and your perspective starts to change

My guitar work is coming along slowly…my fingers are slowly getting out of their own way;)…I am starting to do my scales well…I do not know that I will ever master it, but it is a great excuse to keep my fingers busy…lol…Dansir and I made a bond…she is to learn one new song and I will learn a song and we will both play for each other

In the Circle of Boudica we are getting ready for babies to start dropping…Beltane is May 1…I will be having a good bon fire…candles are orange, yellow and red…offering table should have seeds, fresh peas, matches…its all about burning down the old to start the new…dancing, music, eating and sex…what a great holiday;)

Well, as you can see…My ass has been in hyperdrive…how are you doing??? I have not seen that much of you…what is going on in your life…fill me in…

Blessed Be,


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