Saturday, July 22, 2017

Summer Mental Sojourn

Merry Meet,

How are you? You have the relaxed look of summer…for me it has been a season of focus, trying to get some closure and move forward…I laughed when a friend told me it made her tired just to hear about what was going on in my life…

Chris has been enjoying a summer break…he and rose have been romping around mid-west England…American Boudica is currently on hiatus…this is allowing both of us to focus and wrap up other situations…

Though Nature’s Power and Energy is still waiting on patent work, that only takes Alex and myself…the rest of the company has been given summer hiatus…a well-rested crew tend to be more innovative…

Rooney Detail and Driving has been busy…my guys do not mind working in the heat…I have been catching trips around the state…it is the slowest month of the year in Florida and we Floridians use this time to visit family and friends…I have met some super interesting people and have gotten some interesting sites…

Rooney Media will be releasing its first video this week…this is really special…it will be far from the best but, it will be a place to start…it feels good to be moving forward…with so much going on it has been difficult to get trained on all the new software

Girly Pirate has been looking for a global vendor or a vendor with the ability to handle global disbursement…I have also been contacting individual countries to see if we can acquire special dispensation and possibly handle distribution ourselves…I think I have found a brick and mortar in Zhills…applications will start being taken in October…

Sunshine Paddle has been making appearances…Pine Island in Hernando County has been a great respite…thanks to the boat rental people, there we were able to take several young people on their first boat ride…Honeymoon Island was a great adventure…the weather was so wonky we were not able to paddle but, it was great exploring the island

Study, research, write…and repeat…school is burning my brain…I am on the last leg of my doctoral journey…I have submitted my first 3 chapters and wait to hear if they have been accepted…global supply chain strategy…non-military procurement…I know you are just so excited to hear such terms…I can do this…I am blessed with a great study group…

The first of August is coming and I have planned a feast and movies in the pool…Lughnasadh will be opening the harvest season…in my view this is a season to give thanks – for what you have and for future blessings to be bestowed…

The genetic testing showed me to be of Pirate and Viking decent…no real surprise to me…the medical information is clean…I did have a high rate of Neanderthal – no wonder I am so hard headed…I have found a few new relatives…really kind of cool

My grandson has kept me running…I have been helping him get ready for pre-K…I bought workbooks and we work on at least one page each time he is here…I took him on his first boat trip…it was a paddle boat and I let him navigate…He met Ranger Bill on Honeymoon Island who explained the natural environment the Island provides to creatures in and out of the water

Glad you made time to jump in the pool with me…it does the mind some good to slow down and focus…the parents are good…the husband has been a challenge but, what husband isn’t…lol…the question I get asked often is when I will take a vacation, the only answer for that is “soon”…in the meanwhile, I will take breaks like this when I can…I also am putting together a winter wardrobe and hope I can get time to visit soon…


Blessed Be,

Captain D

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