Thursday, September 4, 2014

Lightening in a Bottle

Merry Meet My Friend,

          How are you…yes, it has been a long hot summer...I am ever so thankful for my pool…I had hoped for a slow summer, this was not the case…thank you so much for keeping up with me…it makes me smile…so I guess we should catch up on what has been happening…

          American Boudica Publishing has me beaming with happiness…'OtherPeople’s Karma’ is now out on kindle…we now have 7 academic papers also now out on kindle…in our alliance with Zazzle and Spreadshirt we now have our Artwork available on many different products…this has been very hard work, but so worth it…I have to admit that as a business owner seeing this all come together is just so cool and being able to get it done before my birthday is just awesome really…I hope you get a chance to check it out...

          There is a world going by, but with so many papers to write I rarely get to see it…I work my a$$ off because, I believe there are bigger thing ahead and I will need what I am learning to get through…I am blessed with a great school and terrific professors and classmates…I am currently in ‘Finical Theory’…the class by itself is intimidating but, Professor Williams has made it comfortable…I am going to do my dissertation on ‘The Business of Energy Storage’…if you have any information on this subject, please let me know…

          Nature’s Power and Energy has been hopping…over the last couple of weeks we mowed around the tank and started prepping for phase 2…the water pump is giving me hell…I have also had to stand by my metal fabricator as the new paddle has been having issues…I think we have them resolved finally…the grant paperwork from the writer and is now ready to submit- the window for that does not open until the 15th of September…again burning on all cylinders

          Girly Pirate is still developing…we have posted some of the product line through the Zazzle and Spreadshirt stores on American Boudica…it is interesting to watch this evolve…we are looking to create an internet show…I am working on putting it together…I will keep you posted

          In the Circle of Boudica, we celebrated 2 new souls entering the world…as fall enters we get ready to celebrate Mabon…I am thinking of having a bon fire…there is much to be thankful for and much to pray for:)

          To keep up with the Sunshine Paddle, I have been working out in the pool at the moment…the strong heat brought in flesh eating bacteria and red tide- I am in this to help people not risk my health…it is our goal to look after 3 families this holiday season and have had to start planning now…

          Helmat came to hang out with his gram…Dad and Mom finally got home…he has been chatting with me about getting help with the yard…mom has been busy since her return…Walter got a ticket for running a stop sign at 5 in the morning…I laughed at him…he has been doing well and working enough to stay out of trouble…lol

          With the approach of Autumn, one can note the dry season start to approach…it is my hope to have time to catch up with the yard…Walt and I are thinking of building an obstacle course for the dogs in the back yard…many of our friends will be down to visit soon and we are opening houses for them- to let the home air out…if you get time, come by- I would love to have someone to chat with while I work…

Blessed Be,


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