Sunday, July 22, 2012

Making it Look Easy

Merry Meet,

How are you this fine day? I have been hard at work…I am sorry you were not able to catch me earlier this week…it has been a little crazy

Massage is always the best place to start…I had a few clients in and out this week…they enjoyed quizzing me for the upcoming final…I am getting ready to put my own office here on the property outside of the home itself, as my practice is getting too big to be in the house anymore…Walt and I have started looking at outbuildings…I have been working on a neck massage technique- it looks so relaxing…

In school, I took my final in acupuncture…this means I now have a Bachelors of Science in Natural Medicine…YEA…Monday I start grad school…No, I am not really sure at my age what I am thinking…my first class will be fiscal accounting…hmmmm…maybe I have really gone crackers

American Boudica Publishing is in full swing…our next book will be available on Kindle soon…the new website will be more interactive and have new features…we are excited about this…we hope to launch the ringtone by the end of summer and the APP by Christmas…I have to say it is really neat

The Circle of Boudica is getting ready for the Lughnasadh 2012 and it looks to be special (Aug 1), I will having a feast and bon fire…candles are green, blue and yellow…incense is sandalwood…this is when we pray for a good harvest or for the things in life we have been working hard on to start to come together…on Aug 15 it will be time to pull out ball jars to clean and get ready for canning and time to pull out the winter gear in time to repair, replace or clean

It has been a very wet summer…the flowers are blooming with bright vibrant color…the lawn is being mowed twice a week- that is being conservative…Dad Has veggies growing everywhere…they do not like it when he is gone…at least it has rained everyday so I will not get yelled at about the watering…

The Sunshine Paddle is in practice and workout mode again…I have sat back and thought about all we have been able to accomplish- I have to admit I am impressed…I am the one with the paddle, but I have much love and support behind me…Tropical Storm Debby has dumped much water and just when we started to dry- we have been having much rain…many areas are flooded…in my paddles, I must share- flood currents are not stable…if you get caught in one- you could be hurt…

So as you can see, I have been a little swamped…thank you for making time to come and see me…Tuesday, I will be going to ‘Wet and Wild’ the water park in Orlando if you want to join me…

Everyday we make tough choices…some good- some bad…how we stand up to them is what makes us who we are…doing what’s right even when its not popular shows ethics…being honest…yes, I know I make it sound so easy- it is not really…you are not the first to point out that I make it look easy…think about it this way- I did it wrong so much so, right has been pounded into my brain…lol

Blessed Be,

D. Cooper- Rooney, LMT

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