Glad you had time to stop by…take care, construction is everywhere
in my life…sit down, put your feet up and relax…lets chat…
With so much expansion going on here at Dorraine
Cooper-Rooney Limited…we took on a new office…got a great deal through Tom of
Carports and More who sold me the shell of the building and had it delivered
and set up…I got a great solar set up through Amazon so, the new office is off
grid…hooking up was really easy and fun…I have been posting as we go…the steps
are in and the next is insulation…so cool
American Boudica Publishing has now opened a webstore…we were
selling through other vendors but, could no longer abide by their practices…we
are excited to be carrying such a quality product line and expanding…we have been
able to get feedback from our customers and fab deals from vendors, I really feel
blessed…love the mailman arriving with boxes of new product
Nature’s Power and Energy has begun grant paperwork on the
HydroQueen to do more research and expand the parameters of the current patent…we
have also chosen to put in for the grant on the small compartment fire system…working
in a green environment is highly inspiring…our construction crew has been
gaining practice by wiring and installing panels on the building…so groovy to
be a part of it all…
I and 1 of my detailers got the privilege of working on a 68’
Camaro at Rooney Detail…inside and out, it took 2 days but, was so beautiful
when we were done…a widow was getting ready to sell it, when she saw how nice
it came out her mind changed…she gave it to her granddaughter
My doctoral journey is almost over…I am getting ready to implement
my research…two more chapters and then my final defense…the 14 year journey is coming
to an end…though this is a good change, it is still change and brings a little
stressful – I think every graduation feels this way, your in school for so long,
it is hard to know how to act when school is no longer there…
In a deal that I was able to work through some vendors, we are able to
offer a T-shirt and artwork where 80% of the profit goes direct to the Sunshine Paddle…we are back in the water practicing now and will be looking for donations
starting March first…April 20 will soon be here…my sting ray puncture is still
not fully healed but, it is much better…it feels awesome to be back on the
The Circle of Boudica has been a growing space…a garden has
been planted for Imbolc and gone through the first up-potting…flowers on the peppers
and tomatoes are already forming…the potatoes, peas, beans and lettuce have all
taken root and begun to sprout…this not only feeds us but, nurtures more
positive energy…
Helmat has been staying with me for school…we have a high-level
pre-k up the street and him staying here allows him to go for free…at Kids R Kids, he is allowed many learning opportunities…the music bus, tennis, ABC
mouse and soccer – teachers talk to parents daily…it has been amazing to watch
him…it feels wonderful to see him so happy…he is excited, when I move to the
new office – he gets the old one and he has big plans for "His Room"…poor Walter now there is 2
of me…lol
Well, I am glad we had this time to catch up…come by again